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SpriteBaseInputBits Enumeration
Contains all the possible bits that can be set in a sprite's inputs and oldinputs properties.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Default (in Default.exe) Version:
public enum InputBits
  Member nameValueDescription
Up1 Refers to an input that causes the sprite to move up or accelerate
Right2 Refers to an input that causes the sprite to move or turn right
Down4 Refers to an input that causes the sprite to move down or decelerate
Left8 Refers to an input that causes the sprite to move or turn left
Button116 Refers to 1 of 4 customizable inputs on the sprite.
Button232 Refers to 1 of 4 customizable inputs on the sprite.
Button364 Refers to 1 of 4 customizable inputs on the sprite.
Button4128 Refers to 1 of 4 customizable inputs on the sprite.
Multiple bits may be set at once if multiple inputs are being pressed on this sprite at the same time.
See Also