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ShortLayer Class
Represents a layer where each tile is represented as a 16-bit integer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Default (in Default.exe) Version:
public abstract class ShortLayer : LayerBase

The ShortLayer type exposes the following members.

Public methodShortLayer
Initializes a new instance of the ShortLayer class
Public methodAppendFrames
Injects a series of Frame objects into this layer, to be drawn behind the layer or in front of it, specifying a color modulation value.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodClearInjections
Remove all injected frames from the layer.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodDraw
Draw the layer according to the currently active view defined by CurrentView.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecuteRules (Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodExecuteRulesInternal
Executes the rules for all the plans on this layer
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodGetBottomSolidPixel
Determine the vertical offset of the bottom-most solid pixel within the specified rectangle.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Enumerates active sprites on the layer.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLeftSolidPixel
Determine the horizontal offset of the left-most solid pixel within the specified rectangle.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodGetMousePosition
Retrieve the current mouse position
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodGetRightSolidPixel
Determine the horizontal offset of the right-most solid pixel within the specified rectangle.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodGetTile (Overrides LayerBaseGetTile(Int32, Int32).)
Public methodGetTopSolidPixel
Determine the vertical offset of the top-most solid pixel within the specified rectangle.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInjectFrames(Int32, Int32, Frame)
Injects a series of Frame objects into this layer, to be interleaved with the tiles on the layer.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodInjectFrames(Int32, Int32, Frame, Int32)
Injects a series of Frame objects into this layer, to be interleaved with the tiles on the layer, specifying a color modulation value.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodInjectSprites
Inject frames into the layer to represent the current images and positions of the sprites contained in this layer for this loop iteration.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodIsSpriteVisible
Determines if any part of the specified sprite is visible in the current view.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodMove
Move/Scroll the layer to a new position based on the current map position. The layer's current position is offset by its position on the map and scaled by the layer's scroll rate.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodProcessSprites
Execute the rules of all active sprites on this layer.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodPushSpriteIntoView
Push the specified sprite into the currently active view.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodScrollSpriteIntoView
Scroll the currently active view on the map so the specified sprite is visible.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldm_SpriteCategories
Provides access to all sprite categories as they relate to this layer.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public fieldm_Sprites
A "Category" or collection of all sprites contained by the layer.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyAbsolutePosition
Get or set the position of the layer within the map. (Does not affect current position until Move(Point) is called)
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyActualColumns
Get the number of columns of tiles in the layer's tile data
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyActualRows
Get the number of rows of tiles in the layer's tile data
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyCurrentPosition
Gets/Sets the current pixel position of the layer relative to the screen. (Setting this directly ignores ScrollRate and AbsolutePosition.)
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyItem
Retrieves or sets the value of a tile at the specified tile coordinate
(Overrides LayerBaseItemInt32, Int32.)
Public propertyLighting
Determines whether lighing effect are enabled for this layer.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyParentMap
Returns the map that owns this layer
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyScrollRate
Gets the scroll rate that is applied to Move(Point) operations.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyTileset (Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyVirtualColumns
Get the number of columns of tiles in the layer's displayed virtual scroll space (data is wrapped)
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyVirtualRows
Get the number of rows of tiles in the layer's displayed virtual scroll space (data is wrapped)
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
Public propertyVisibleArea
Returns a rectangle within this layer that represents the currently visible portion.
(Inherited from LayerBase.)
See Also