PlanBase Class |
Namespace: (Default Namespace)
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class PlanBase : GeneralRules, IEnumerable
The PlanBase type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ActivateSprite |
Make the specified sprite active.
| |
AddSpriteAtPlan |
Create a new (dynamic) instance of the specified sprite type at the first coordinate
in this plan.
| |
ApplyLights |
Use properties of the sprites in the specified category to configure real-time lighting on the display
for the current frame.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
CanReturnToPreviousMap |
Determines if there is a previous map to return to.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ChangeCounter |
Change a counter's value with a pre-defined operation.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
CheckNextCoordinate |
Make a sprite move toward the next coordinate in the plan when appropriate.
| |
ClearAllMessages |
Clears all active messages from the display.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ClearOverlay |
Turn off the overlay map.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
Clicked |
Determines if the specified mouse button is pressed.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
CopyFrom |
Copy tiles from the specified plan's rectangle to this plan's rectangle.
| |
CopyInputsToOld |
Ensure that all the inputs currently being pressed on the specified sprite are henceforth processed as already pressed.
| |
CopyTo |
Copy tiles from this plan's rectangle to another plan's rectangle.
| |
DeactivateCategorySprite |
Deactivate a sprite within a category given the sprite's index within the category.
| |
DeactivateSprite |
Make the specified sprite inactive.
| |
DeactivateTargetSpriteFor |
Deactivate the sprite currently selected as the target for the specified name and clear the sprite selected for that target name.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
DeleteSave |
Empties the specified save slot.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
Door |
If any sprite in the specified category is within the bounds of this plan or
the Target plan, and is pressing the specified Trigger, transport it to the
other plan.
| |
DragMap |
When the mouse drags over the display, scroll the map along with it.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
DrawCounterAsTile |
Draw the value of a counter as a bar filled with a tile's image.
| |
DrawCounterWithLabel |
Display a counter value as a number with a label in the current plan's rectangle.
| |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExcludeCounterFromSaveUnit |
Exclude the specified counter from the SaveUnit that will be saved with the next call to SaveGame(Int32, Boolean).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ExcludeMapFromSaveUnit |
Remove the specified map in from the SaveUnit that will be saved with the next call to SaveGame(Int32, Boolean).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ExecuteRules |
Allows customization of the way ExecuteRulesInternal is called.
| |
ExecuteRulesInternal |
Executes this plan's rules if any exist.
| |
FollowPath |
Cause the specified sprite to follow the coordinates in this plan as a path.
| |
GetEnumerator |
Allows a the coordinates of a plan to be enumerated with a foreach loop.
| |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetRandomNumber |
Return a random number within a specified range.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
GetSelectedTargetFor |
Returns the sprite currently selected for the specified target name.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
GetSpriteWithin |
Determines if the specified part of any active sprite in the specified category is within the plan's rectangle.
| |
GetTargetParameterFor |
Get the value of a numeric property or parameter on a sprite selected with SelectTargetSpriteFor(SpriteCollection, Int32, String).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
IncludeCounterInSaveUnit |
Include the specified counter in the SaveUnit that will be saved with the next call to SaveGame(Int32, Boolean).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
IncludeInSaveUnit |
Includes a specified set of objects in the SaveUnit that will be saved with the next call to SaveGame(Int32, Boolean).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
IncludeMapInSaveUnit |
Include the specified map in the SaveUnit that will be saved with the next call to SaveGame(Int32, Boolean).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
IsInputPressed |
Determines if the specified sprite's specified input is pressed.
| |
IsKeyPressed |
Determines if a specified key is being pressed.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
IsMapFlagOn |
Determine if the specified map-specific flag on the current map is on.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
IsMouseButtonPressed |
Determines if the specified mouse button is pressed.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
IsSpriteActive |
Determines if the specified sprite instace is active.
| |
IsSpriteForTargetOfType |
Determine if the sprite selected for the specified target (selected with SelectTargetSpriteFor)
is of the specified type.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
IsSpriteTouching |
Determines if the specified sprite is touching this plan's rectangle.
| |
IsSpriteWithin |
Determines if the specified part of the specified sprite is within the plan's rectangle.
| |
IsSpriteWithinPolygon | ||
IsTargetSpriteSelectedFor |
Determine if a sprite has been selected with SelectLastCreatedSpriteFor(String)
or SelectTargetSpriteFor(SpriteCollection, Int32, String).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
LimitFrameRate |
Limit the frame rate of the game to the specified number of frames per second. Call this only once per frame.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
LoadGame |
Restore the state of the objects contained in the specified save slot.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
LogDebugLabel |
Write a string to the debug output without moving to the next line.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
LogDebugValue |
Write a number to the debug output and move to the next line.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
MapMouseToSprite |
Move the specified sprite to the position of the mouse cursor and set the sprite's button inputs based on mouse button states.
| |
MapPlayerToInputs |
Associate the state of the input device for the specified player with the inputs on the specified sprite.
| |
MatchSpritePosition |
Set the position of the target sprite to match that of the source sprite.
| |
ModulateColor |
Modulate/scale the specified color channel of the specified sprite to the specified level.
| |
PushSpriteIntoView |
Alter a sprite's velocity so that it remains within the map's visible area.
| |
PushSpriteTowardCoordinate |
Alter the velocity of the specified sprite to go toward a coordinate associated with the current plan.
| |
PushSpriteTowardPoint |
Alter the velocity of the specified sprite to go toward a specified location.
| |
PushSpriteTowardSprite |
Push the specified Source sprite toward the specified Target sprite.
| |
QuitGame |
Quit the game by closing the main window.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ResetLights |
Reset all light sources to initial default behavior.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ReturnToPreviousMap |
Return to the map that was active before the last SwitchToMap(Type, Boolean).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SaveExists |
Determines if saved game data exists in the specified slot.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SaveGame |
Save the current SaveUnit into the specified save slot.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ScrollSpriteIntoView |
Scroll all layers on this plan's layer's map so that the specified sprite is within the visible area of the map.
| |
SelectLastCreatedSprite |
Select the most recently created sprite to be the target of SetTargetParameter(String, Int32).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SelectLastCreatedSpriteFor |
Selects the most recently created sprite to be the target of SetTargetParameterFor(String, Int32, String)
or GetTargetParameterFor(String, String).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SelectTargetSprite |
Selects a sprite within a collection, using a 0-based index, to be the target of SetTargetParameter(String, Int32).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SelectTargetSpriteFor |
Selects a sprite within a collection, using a 0-based index, to be the target of SetTargetParameterFor(String, Int32, String).
TargetName allows any number of unique targets to be selected by assigning unique names.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetCategorySpriteState |
Sets the current state of a sprite based on a category and index into the category.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetMapFlag |
Turn on or off a flag associated with the current map.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetMessageBackground |
Sets the background for new messages added with ShowMessage(String).
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetMessageDismissal |
Determines which player and which button will dismiss newly created messages.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetMessageFont |
Set the tileset used as the source for characters in messages.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetMessagePosition |
Determines where newly created messages appear.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetOverlay |
Set the overlay map.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetTargetMapFlag |
Turn on or off a flag associated with the specified map.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetTargetParameter |
Set the value of a numeric property or parameter on a sprite selected with SelectTargetSprite(SpriteCollection, Int32) to the specified value.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetTargetParameterFor |
Set the value of a numeric property or parameter on a sprite selected with SelectTargetSpriteFor(SpriteCollection, Int32, String) to the specified value.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
SetViewLayout |
Sets the layout of multiple views for the current map.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
ShowMessage |
Adds a message to the display.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
StopSprite |
Stops the sprite's current motion
| |
SwitchToMap |
Sets a different map as the one to be drawn on the game display.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
TestCollisionMask |
Determines whether the specified sprite's collision mask is overlapping part of any
sprite in the specified category.
| |
TestCollisionRect |
Determines whether the solidity rectangle of the specified sprite overlaps that
of any sprite in the specified category.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
TransportToPlan |
Moves the specified sprite to the specified plan's rectangle, aligned to the specified corner/edge.
| |
TransportToPoint |
Moves the specified sprite to the specified coordinate.
| |
UnloadBackgroundMaps |
Unload all maps that aren't currently visible.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
UnloadMap |
Unloads the specified map.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
WasSpriteTouching |
Determines if the specified sprite was touching this plan's rectangle in the previous frame.
Name | Description | |
SharedTemp1 |
This is provided as a temporary storage area for numbers while processing
plan rules.
| |
TargetDistance |
This value is used by CheckNextCoordinate(SpriteBase, Int32, Int32) to determine how close a
sprite must be to a coordinate before heading to the next coordinate.
Name | Description | |
Count |
Retrieves the number of coordinates that this plan contains
| |
CurrentView |
If multiple views are visible, this determines which view is currently active.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
Item |
Retrieves the coordinate specified by a 0-based index for this plan
| |
ParentLayer |
Retrieves the layer that contains this object.
(Inherited from GeneralRules.) | |
PlanRectangle |
Returns the rectangle defined by a plan