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CounterOperation Enumeration
Specifies an operation to perform on a counter.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Default (in Default.exe) Version:
public enum CounterOperation
  Member nameValueDescription
IncrementAndStop0 Add 1 to the counter value. If the counter was at it's maximum value, leave it there.
DecrementAndStop1 Subtract 1 from the counter value. If the counter was at it's minimum value, leave it there.
IncrementAndLoop2 Add 1 to the counter value. If the counter was at it's maximum value, set it to its minimum value.
DecrementAndLoop3 Subtract 1 from the counter value. If the counter was at it's minimum value, set it to its maximum value.
SetToMinimum4 Set the counter to its minimum value.
SetToMaximum5 Set the counter to its maximum value.
See Also