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PlanBaseDrawStyle Enumeration

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Default (in Default.exe) Version:
public enum DrawStyle
  Member nameValueDescription
ClipRightToCounter0 The specified tile is drawn stretched to fill the width of plan, and the right side is cropped according to the counter value.
StretchRightToCounter1 The specified tile is drawn stretched rightward according to the counter value.
RepeatRightToCounter2 The specified tile is draw unscaled from left to right, repeated according to the counter value and plan size.
ClipTopToCounter3 The specified tile is drawn stretched to fill the height of the plan, and the top is cropped according to the counter value.
StretchTopToCounter4 The specified tile is drawn stretched upward from the bottom of the plan according to the counter value.
RepeatUpToCounter5 The specified tile is draw unscaled from bottom to top, repeated according to the counter value and plan size.
See Also