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PlanBaseGetSpriteWithin Method
Determines if the specified part of any active sprite in the specified category is within the plan's rectangle.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Default (in Default.exe) Version:
public virtual int GetSpriteWithin(
	SpriteCollection Sprites,
	RelativePosition RelativePosition,
	int Skip


Type: (Default Namespace)SpriteCollection
Sprite collection to be checked
Type: (Default Namespace)RelativePosition
Specifies a point within each sprite to test
Type: SystemInt32
Indicates the index to skip over. All sprite indexes up to and including Skip will be skipped in teh search. This allows the function to be called repeatedly, passing the previous return value as the Skip value to retrieve the next applicable sprite index. Specify -1 to search all sprites in the collection.

Return Value

Type: Int32
-1 if no active sprite is found in the collection where the specified point of the sprite's solidity rectangle is within the plan's rectangle. Otherwise the 0-based index of the first matching sprite is returned.
This is the same as performing IsSpriteWithin(SpriteBase, RelativePosition) for each active sprite in a collection (beginning with the sprite whose index is after Skip).
See Also