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LightSpriteBase Fields

The LightSpriteBase type exposes the following members.

Public fieldaimX
Horizontal offset relative to this sprite's location at which this light source points.
Public fieldaimY
Vertical offset relative to this sprite's location at which this light source points.
Public fieldaimZ
Depth offset relative to this sprite's location at which this light source points.
Public fieldapertureFocus
Determines whether and how light is focused in a particular direction.
Public fieldapertureSoftness
Determines how crisp the edges of the light cone are for lights directed by apertureFocus.
Public fieldcolor (Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldconstantFalloff
Constant falloff works in conjunction with linearFalloff and quadraticFalloff to determine how this light source extends over distance.
Public fielddx
Horizontal velocity of the sprite in pixels per frame
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fielddy
Vertical velocity of the sprite in pixels per frame
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldframe
Numeric value corresponding to the sprite's current frame.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldinputs
Stores the inputs that are currently being "pressed" on this sprite.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldisActive
Determines if this sprite is currently active.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldlightZ
Depth position of this light source relative to the layer where the sprite resides.
Public fieldlinearFalloff
Linear falloff works in conjunction with constantFalloff and quadraticFalloff to determine how this light source extends over distance.
Public fieldLocalDX
Horizontal velocity relative to the sprite's environment (like a platform)
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldLocalDY
Vertical velocity relative to the sprite's environment
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldoldinputs
Remembers the inputs that were active on this sprite in the previous frame
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldoldX
The value of this sprite's x coordinate on the previous frame.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldoldY
The value of this sprite's y coordinate on the previous frame.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldProcessed
Determines if this sprite's definition's rules have been processed yet this frame
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldquadraticFalloff
Quadratic falloff works in conjunction with constantFalloff and linearFalloff to determine how this light source extends over distance.
Public fieldRidingOn
Stores the platform sprite (the sprite that this sprite rides on). If not set, then the sprite is not riding anything.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldCode examplestate
Numeric value corresponding to the sprite's current state.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldTouchedTiles
A collection of tiles being processed by TouchTiles(TileCategoryName) and other rules related to tile interactions.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldx
Horizontal coordinate of the sprite within its layer.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
Public fieldy
Vertical coordinage of the sprite within its layer.
(Inherited from SpriteBase.)
See Also