This page describes some steps to get a simple game running in SGDK2 without
importing any external data. This is a very simple game, but steps through a
few features of SGDK2 that are interesting and important to understand in the
process of learning SGDK2. Keep in mind that creating a game from scratch
(without importing anything) may look significantly more complicated than
importing some key pieces (especially sprite definitions), but in the interest
of completeness, this tutorial will expose all the details of re-creating
this data rather than simply importing it.
Tutorial 1 - Functional Game Without Importing-
Start with the new/default project (select "<Blank>" from the File->New menu if
Create a new graphic sheet.
Right-click on "Graphic Sheets" and select "New", or
select "Graphic Sheets" and select "New Object" from the File menu or toolbar.
Enter "My Graphics" as the sheet name.
Click the "Add" button or press Enter a second time.
Double-Click on the new "Edit Images" node that appeared under "My Graphics" in
the tree, or
select it and press F4 (or select "Properties" from the View menu).
Select "Flood Fill" from the tools menu, or
the paint bucket from the toolbar.
Select dark blue as the "Solids" color from the lower-left corner of the color
palette window in the graphics editor by left-clicking on it.
Click in the magnified edit area at the upper left of the graphics editor.
Click the "Store to Selected Cell(s)" button in the Cell Manager window. This
will be our background tile.
Select the next cell in the Cell Manager (the one to the right of the first),
and click "Load Selected Cell(s)".
Repeat the previous 5 steps with Green as the "Solids" color. This will be our
solid "wall" tile.
Select the custom tool button (this looks like a star by default), or
select "Star" from the "Custom Tool" menu in the "Tools" menu.
Select the outlined shapes button from the toolbar, or
select "Draw Outlined Shapes" from the tools menu. This will ensure that the
star we're about to draw will have an outline.
Select the gradient fill button from the toolbar, or
select "Gradient Fills" from the tools menu. This will make a smooth gradient
star from the fill in the center to the outline color around the edge.
Click the yellow color in the recently used colors list to set the solid color
to yellow.
Move the mouse to a coordinate of approximately "15.5,17" in the magnified view
(the coordinate is displayed in the magnified view's title bar) and drag a star
upward to about 15.5, 1.5. Since the last step in the process above was to load
an empty cell, you should be doing this on a transparent background represented
ad grey and white diamonds.
Store the tile in the third cell by clicking "Store to selected Cell(s)". This
will be the image for an item the player will pick up.
Select the fourth cell (the next empty cell) and load it with "Load Selected
Click the drop-down arrow next to the custom tool button and select "Triangle"
from it, or
select "Triangle" from the "Custom Tool" menu in the "Tools" menu.
Left-click on Red in the recent colors list to select it as the "Solids" color.
Move the mouse to a coordinate of approximately "15.5, 20" in the magnified
view and drag a red triangle shape upward to about 15.5, 3.
Store the triangle in the fourth cell (the next empty cell) by clicking "Store
to Selected Cell(s)". This will be the image for our player sprite.
Close the Graphics editor.
Create a frameset.
Right-click on the "Framesets" folder and select "New", or
select the "Framesets" folder and then select "New Object" from the file menu
or toolbar.
Replace the frameset name with "My Frameset".
Select "My Graphics" from the "Graphic Sheet" dropdown list.
Select the first (blue) frame by left-clicking on it.
Hold shift and select the star by left-clicking on it. This should also select
the green frame.
Add the three graphics to the frameset by pressing the toolbar button with the
image of the right arrow, or by pressing Ctrl+A, or by selecting "Add Selected
Cells to Frameset" from the "Frameset" menu.
Close the Frameset Editor.
Add a rotating sprite in the same frameset.
Right-click on "Sprite Definitions" and select "New", or
select "Sprite Definitions" and then select "New Object" from the File menu or
Enter "Player" for the sprite definitions name.
Select "Rotating Sprite Wizard" from the "Sprite Definition" menu.
Select "My Graphics" from the Graphic Sheet dropdown list.
Select the Red Triangle and click Next.
Leave the default value of 72 states, and click Next.
Leave the default values of 1 repeat and 0 mask alpha level and click Next.
Enter a prefix of "Norm" and click Next.
Select "My Frameset" from the "Frameset" dropdown list and click Next.
Select "Use a fixed size for all states" and click Next.
Leave the default values of 32 and 32 for width and height, and click Next.
Click Finish.
Close the Sprite Definition editor.
Create a Tileset. You can't create maps or define solidity without tiles.
Create a new Tileset in the "Tilesets" folder; you should know how to create
new objects by now.
Enter "My Tileset" for the Tileset name.
Leave the default width and height of 32 and 32; leave the default frameset of
"My Frameset".
Close the Tileset Editor.
Create a solid tile category.
Create a new tile category in the "Tile Categories" folder.
Enter "Solid" for the new category name.
Select "My Tileset" from the "Tileset" dropdown list.
Click edit to define which tiles from "My Tileset" are in this category (tiles
from multiple tilesets can be in the same category).
Select the green wall tile.
Drag it into the bottom pane or select "Add to Category" from the "Tiles" menu.
Close the Tile Category window.
Close the Tile Category Name window.
Create a Map. The project can't compile without a default map, and if the
project can't compile, you can't create a solidity definition.
Create a new Map object in the "Maps" folder.
Change the name to "Level 1"
Click Add or press Enter again.
Set the startup map.
Right-click on the top-level "Project" node in the tree and select "Edit",
select the "Project" node and press the F4 key or select "Properties" from the
View menu.
Select "Level 1" from the "StartMap" dropdown list.
Close the Project Properties window.
Create a solidity definition.
Create a new Solidity Definition in the "Solidity" folder.
Enter "Standard" for the name.
Select "Solid" from the dropdown list in the first row of the "Category"
Select "SolidTileShape" from the dropdown list in the first row of the "Shape"
Close the "Solidity" window.
Define the rules for the player sprite.
Display the sprite definition editor for the "Player" sprite definition, by
double-clicking it, right-clicking it and selecting "Edit", or selecting it and
pressing F4 or selecting "Properties" from the view menu.
Select the "Rules" tab.
Add a new rule by selecting "Add Rule" from the "Sprite Definition" menu, or by
selecting the New button from the toolbar in the Rules tab.
Enter "If player is pressing left" as the rule name.
Select "If" from the first dropdown list to indicate that the type of this rule
is a condition.
Select "IsInputPressed" from the next dropdown list.
Select "SpriteBase.InputBits.Left" from the "Input" dropdown list.
Select "false" from the "InitialOnly" dropdown list. This allows the player to
keep turning while holding the left arrow.
Add another new rule named "Turn left"
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "CalculateRotatedState" from the second
Select "(int)Sprites.Player.State.Norm0" in the "FirstState" combo box.
Type "72" in the "StateCount" combo box. You may recall this is the number of
states we created for the player.
Type "state+1" into the "NewState" combo box. Adding to the state rotates it
to the left, while subtracting rotates it to the right. Keep in mind that you
could normally import a rotating sprite instead of having to know
these parameters, but this tutorial will show you all the details.
Select "state" from the "Output To" combo box. This ensures that, after the new
state is calculated, it is set as the player sprite's current state. Note that
we use CalculateRotatedState instead of simply adding or subtracting 1 to ensure
that the state never goes outside the range of 0 to 71.
Check the "End If/End While" checkbox to end the first rule's condition.
Add a new rule named "If player is pressing right"
Select "If" from the first dropdown and "IsInputPressed" from the next
Select "SpriteBase.InputBits.Right" from the "Input" dropdown list.
Select "false" from the "InitialOnly" dropdown list.
Add a new rule named "Turn right"
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "CalculateRotatedState" from the second
Select "(int)Sprites.Player.State.Norm0" in the "FirstState" combo box.
Type "72" in the "StateCount" combo box.
Type "state-1" into the "NewState" combo box. This will rotate to the previous state,
which is one click to the right.
Select "state" from the "Output To" combo box.
Check the "End If/End While" checkbox to end the "If player is pressing right"
Add a new rule named "If the player is pressing up"
Select "If" from the first dropdown and "IsInputPressed" from the next
Select "SpriteBase.InputBits.Up" from the "Input" dropdown list.
Select "false" from the "InitialOnly" dropdown list.
Add a new rule named "Accelerate"
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "PolarAccelerate" from the second
Enter "5" in the "Acceleration" combo box.
Select "(int)Sprites.Player.State.Norm0" from the "FirstState" dropdown.
Enter "72" in the "StateCount" combo box.
Check the "End If/End While" checkbox.
Add a new rule named "React to solidity"
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "ReactToSolid" from the second
Add a new rule named "Move"
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "MoveByVelocity" from the second
Add a new rule named "Inertia"
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "ReactToInertia" from the second
Select the "Parameters" tab.
In the first row of the grid, type "My inertia". This adds a parameter to
this sprite type that can be specified on each sprite instance in the map
Switch back to the "Rules" tab.
Select "My_inertia" from the "RetainPercentVertical" and
"RetainPercentHorizontal" dropdown lists.
Close the sprite definition editor.
Create a new layer.
Locate the "Layers" folder under "Level 1" in the project tree and create a new
layer in it.
Enter "My Layer" for the layer name.
Note the deault selection of "My Tileset" for the Tileset, and the default
values of 100 and 15 for the layer width and height.
Click Add.
Edit the layer
The layer editor should appear automatically when the layer is added, but if
you need to re-display it, you can locate the "Editor" node inside the new
"My Layer" node in the project tree, and double-click it.
Scroll to the bottom of the layer.
Select the green tile from the "Tiles" pane.
Draw a floor accross the bottom of this layer by moving the mouse to tile
coordinates "0,14" and dragging a straight row of green tiles to the right edge
of the window. The tile coordinate is displayed in the map editor's status bar.
Scroll to the right and repeat the previous step until there is a green floor
across the entire bottom of the map.
Select the star tile from the Tiles pane.
Place the star on the blue background somewhere. Notice that it has a black
(actually transparent) background. If we want to create tiles like this on the
same layer as the background, they need to have their own background. We'll do
this in the next step, "Define a tile mapping."
Select the "Sprites" tab.
Select "Add Sprites".
Select "<All>" from the dropdown list of sprite categories.
Select the red triangle sprite.
In the sprite properties pane at the bottom of the sprites pane, enter "1" into
the "Priority" field, and press Enter. This ensures that the sprite will
draw after the layer it's in instead of before or instead of interleaving with
the tiles. You probably won't have to change the default value because it is already
1, but be aware of this value for controlling how sprites draw.
Scroll to the left end of the map and click the sprite onto the layer's blue
background somewhere. Notice that the sprite doesn't need to worry about
the background because it is drawn independently of the tiles in the layer,
rather than replacing tiles in the layer.
Select "Select Sprites" from the sprites pane.
Click on the sprite that was just added to select it.
In the sprite properties pane, select "Standard" in the "Solidity" field.
Defining the solidity on the individual sprite instance allows different
instances of the same sprite definition to react differently to map solidity or
allows the same instance to act differently at different times.
In the sprite properties pane, enter "98" for "My inertia". Notice that
this is the parameter added to the sprite definition for this sprite type.
Close the map editor.
Define a tile mapping.
Double-click "My Tileset" in the Tilesets folder (or select it and open it with
F4 or the Properties command).
Select the star tile in the bottom pane and notice that its frameset index is
#2 in the status bar.
In order to replace this tile with one that has a background, we'll override
tile number 2: Select "New Tile" from the Tileset menu or the toolbar next to
the "Mapped Tiles" dropdown box.
Select "Custom", enter "2" into the Tile Value field, and click OK.
Select and drag the blue frame from the bottom pane to the top pane and drop it
on the left side of the star. Alternatively, you can select the blue tile in
the bottom frame and press Ctrl-A to add it to the tile. If it gets added
after the star, then select the star frame in the bottom pane and add that
(with Ctrl-A) too. Then select the first star in the top pane and press
the delete key to delete that frame from the tile.
With only the blue frame in the top pane selected, replace the default value of
"1" in the "Repeat Count" field with a "0". This causes the blue background
frame to be merged with the star frame so they display at the same time.
Feel free to go back to the map editor (double-click on "Editor" under the "My
Layer" node in the project tree) and verify that the star has a blue background
Close the Tileset Editor.
Add a new plan to select a player sprite (map keyboard input to the sprite and
scroll it into view).
Add a new plan to the "Plans" folder under Maps - Level 1 - Layers - My Layer.
Enter the name "Manage player sprite" in the Name field of the plan.
Select "Add New Rule" from the "Plan" menu or the toolbar above the rule list.
Enter the rule name "Map input to player sprite".
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "MapPlayerToInputs" from the second
Enter 1 in the PlayerNumber field.
Select m_ParentLayer.m_Player_1 from the Target dropdown list.
Add another new rule named "Scroll player sprite into view". Note: this
could be done on the sprite definition instead (so you don't have to repeat
this on every map) but if you want multiple players, it's better to see that it
can be done here too.
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "ScrollSpriteIntoView" from the second.
Select "m_ParentLayer.m_Player_1" from the "Sprite" dropdown list.
Select "true" from the "UseScrollMargins" dropdown list.
Close the plan editing window.
Set the appropriate scrolling size for the map.
Open the properties window for Level 1 (double-click on "Level 1" in the
project tree).
Click the "Wizard..." button.
Click Next.
Check the box for "My Layer" and click Next.
Click Finish.
Click Update.
Press F5 or select "Run Project in Debug Mode" from the File menu
At this point you should be able to move the player around using the arrow keys
and see the map scroll (although you might not notice it scrolling until you
get to the star because the graphics are so uniform). If you'd like to
further enhance the game to pick up the star, add some walls and introduce
gravity, you can proceed with the steps below. After each step you can
run the game again to see your progress (if any is visible) by pressing
F5. Note that you will be un-able to re-compile (re-run) your game if
it's still running, so it's a good idea to quit before proceeding to the next
Close the running game window.
Add a rule for gravity.
Open the "Player" sprite definition for editing.
Go to the Rules tab.
Expand "If the player is pressing up" and select "Accelerate". This is to
ensure that the new rule gets added in the right position (right before "React
to solidity"). New rules are always added below the selected rule.
Alternatively you could simply create the rule and then use the up and down
arrow buttons on the toolbar to position it.
Add a new rule before "React to solidity" named "Gravity"
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "AlterYVelocity" from the second
Enter 0.1 in the "delta" field.
Close the sprite definition editor
Create a counter to represent collected stars.
Create a new counter in the "Counters" folder.
Enter the name "Stars".
Enter a maximum of 18.
Leave the default Value of 1. This will allow you to see/test the
inventory display as soon as it's implemented instead of waiting until the
player has the ability to pick up stars.
Close the Edit Counter window.
Create an overlay map to display inventory.
Create a new map in the "Maps" folder and name it "My Overlay".
Remember to click the "Add" button after entering the name to add the map.
Create a new layer in the new map's "Layers" folder named "Inventory".
Before adding the layer, click the "Wizard..." button.
Accept the default of "My Tileset" and click Next.
Accept the default of 1 byte per tile and click Next.
Check the box to delete all tiles and use a new background (this is required
when adding a new layer). Select the first red triangle and click
Next. We don't have a transparent background tile but we need one.
We'll go back and replace the first red triangle tile with an empty tile in a
Accept the default scroll rate and click Next.
At this point in the wizard there is sometimes a step that would allow you to
position the layer within the map with a helpful preview window. However, since
this layer is new and has no tiles yet, no preview is possible, and this step
is skipped.
Accept the default priority and click Next.
Check the box to "Size the layer to fill the map's scrollable area." and click
Accept the default virtual size and click next.
Click Finish.
Click "Add" to add the layer.
The layer full of red triangles will be displayed. We'll replace these with
an empty tile in the next step. Close the layer editor.
Define an empty tile
Open "My Tileset" for editing.
Add a new tile mapping (select "New Tile" from the Tileset menu).
Select "Custom", enter "3" as the value and click OK.
Select the triangle frame in the top "Frame Properties" pane.
Press the delete key (or select "Delete Selected Frames" from the Tileset menu)
and confirm the delete operation. Note that a tile without any frames is
somewhat more efficient than a tile with a graphic cell that is all
Close the Tileset Editor.
Activate the overlay map as an overlay.
Double-click on the top level "Project" node to open the project properties
Select "My Overlay" from the "OverlayMap" dropdown list.
Close the Project Properties window.
Draw the Stars counter on the overlay map.
Open the map editor for the "Inventory" layer of "My Overlay".
Select the "Plans" tab.
Add a new plan by clicking the "Add a New Plan" toolbar button inside the
"Plans" frame.
Select the plan that was added.
Select "Snap to Tiles" from the Edit menu.
Move the mouse to tile coordinate 1,1 (see status bar).
Left click to add a point.
Move the mouse to tile coordinate 19,2. Note that the size of the rectangle
combined with the maximum value of the counter has an effect on how the
inventory will be drawn. Notice that the maximum for stars was set to 18,
and 18 is also the width (in tiles) of the rectangle.
Left click to define a rectangle where stars will be drawn. Note that
after you click the rectangle will go away and propose a third coordinate as
you move the mouse around, but if you do not add another point and do move the
mouse out of the map editor the rectangle will re-appear demonstrating that the
plan in its saved form has two points defining a rectangle.
Enter the name "Draw Stars" for the plan in the plan properties pane
at the bottom left, and press Enter.
Click the "Edit Selected Plan" button in toolbar in the "Plans" frame, or
select "Selected Plan Details" from the Edit menu.
Add a rule named "Draw stars at top of screen". (Click toolbar button to add a
new rule or select "Add New Rule" from the "Plan" menu.)
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "DrawCounterAsTile" from the second
Enter 2 for the TileIndex parameter.
Select "Counter.Stars" from the "Counter" dropdown list.
Select "PlanBase.DrawStyle.RepeatRightToCounter" from the "style" dropdown
list. This style will draw a bar filled with un-stretched (normal-size)
stars and cut it off based not
on the number of stars displayed, but on the ratios of owned stars to maximum
stars and drawn bar size to total bar size. For example, if your bar were
3 tiles wide, and your max quantity were 2, but you only owned 1, then
the bar would draw one and a half tiles because 1 is half of 2 and
half of 3 is one and a half.
Close the Plan Editor.
Close the Map Editor.
Define a category of tiles that should react to the player.
Create a new category in the "Tile Categories" folder in the project tree.
Enter the category name "Touchable".
Select "My Tileset" and click "Edit...".
Add the star tile to the category (drag it down or select it and select "Add to
category" from the Tiles menu.
Close the Tile Category window.
Close the Tile Category Name window.
Press the F7 key or select "Generate Project" from the file menu. If you
don't do this, the new category might not show up as an available option when
defining the sprite rule. If that happens, remember that F7 will
re-compile the project, making all the recent changes available to the
environment for "reflection" (reflection is a term used often in
.NET programming that refers to the kind of process that SGDK2 uses to examine
the generated code to see what objects are in a compiled project).
Define a rule to allow player sprites to acquire stars.
Open the "Player" Sprite Definition for editing.
Go to the Rules tab.
Select "Move".
Add a new rule called "Touch tiles". Touch tiles is required once if
the sprite interacts with tiles based on their category or tile numbers rather
than simply their solidity. It creates a list of tiles that the sprite is
touching that can be processed by other rules.
Select "Do" in the first dropdown and "TouchTiles" in the second dropdown.
Select "TileCategoryName.Touchable" in the "Category" dropdown list.
Add a new rule called "Get stars".
Select "Do" from the first dropdown and "TileTake" from the second dropdown.
Enter the value 2 into the TileValue combo box. Remember that 2 was the
number of the star tile we defined (with the blue background) in the TileSet
Select "Counter.Stars" from the "Counter" dropdown list.
Enter "0" (zero) in the "NewValue" combo box. This indicates that when a star tile
is removed, it should be replaced with tile number 0 (the empty background tile).
Leave "Output to" empty.
Close the sprite definition editor.
Add walls to the map.
Open "My Layer" from map "Level 1" in the editor.
Select the green tile.
Draw some walls between the player and the star. (Don't block the player
completely of course.)
Add some more stars if you like.
Close the map editor.
Run the project (press F5).