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SpriteStateGetFrame Method
Return a list of all frame indexes that represent a particular animation frame of a sprite.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: Default (in Default.exe) Version:
public int[] GetFrame(
	int frameIndex


Type: SystemInt32
Frame counter value.

Return Value

Type: Int32
Array if integers that represent indexes into Frameset for the frames that should be drawn for the specified frame.
Often times this will return an array of one integer because a sprite will only display one frame at a time. Compound frames defined by using a repeat count of "0" on some frames, however, will cause multiple frameset frames to be comined into a single sprite frame. So a single frameIndex value can yield multiple frameset frame indexes to be drawn at once. But also note that multiple frameIndex values can yield the same frames because a frame with a repeat count greater than 1 will cause the sprite to remain on the same frame for multiple iterations.
See Also